¥49,500 税込
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ラムサール条約湿地として指定されている尾瀬ケ原は、東西6km、南北2kmの広大な湿原。その広さと美しさ、静寂さを木で表現しました。 Ozegahara, which is designated as a wetland under the Ramsar Convention, is a vast wetland stretching 6 km from east to west and 2 km from north to south. I expressed the spaciousness, beauty, and silence with wood.
Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
¥49,500 税込