コピー:春の八ヶ岳連峰 HarunoYatugatakerenpou
長野県と山梨県にまたがる八ヶ岳連峰は、独立峰で近くに高い山がない。そにため裾野は広く開放的だ。電車でめぐる旅ものんびりした気持のよい風景の中を走っていく。 The Yatsugatake mountain range, which straddles Nagano and Yamanashi prefectures, is an independent peak with no high mountains nearby. Therefore, the base is wide and open. Traveling by train also runs through a relaxing and pleasant scenery. Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
古都の春、富士夕景、おひなさま、チューリップ 4個セット
■四季を感じる美しい風景を一つに! 古都の春の情景は、しっとりとした桜の花が咲き誇る風景を映し出します。日本の伝統と自然の美しさが融合した、心癒される瞬間です。続いて、富士夕景。夕焼けに染まる富士山は、言葉では表現しきれないほどの美しさを持ち、訪れる人々を魅了します。 ■伝統と文化が紡ぐ物語 おひなさまは、春の訪れを祝う日本の文化を象徴する存在です。家庭の幸せと健康を願って飾られるこの可愛らしいひな人形は、どこか懐かしさを感じさせます。さらに、チューリップの華やかさが加わり、四季の変化を感じることができるセットです。 ■心豊かな空間を演出! この4個セットは、リビングや玄関に飾ることで、日常に日本の四季や文化を取り入れる素晴らしいアイテムです。毎日の暮らしに彩りを加え、訪れる方々に視覚的な楽しさを提供します!
Mt.Fuji & Pagoda
Mt.Fuji & Pagoda by Akie Katayama. This is a made-to-order work.
春の立山連邦 harunotateyamarenpou
富山平野から見る立山連峰の雄大な景色は、3000m級の山が連なる。1枚のキャンバスに納めるには、富山湾越しに氷見までいく必要がある。 The majestic view of the Tateyama mountain range seen from the Toyama Plain is a series of 3,000m-class mountains. In order to put it on a single canvas, it is necessary to go to Himi across Toyama Bay.
剣岳~剣沢 turugidake~turugisawa
アルピニストの憧れの山、剣岳。夏でも急峻な岩と雪に覆われ一般の登山者は近づくことができない。しかし、剣沢キャンプ場までなら行くことが可能だ。遠くに、源次郎尾根、八峰の岩壁も見える。 t. Tsurugi, an alpinist's dream mountain. Even in summer, the mountain is covered with steep rocks and snow, making it inaccessible to ordinary climbers. However, it is possible to go as far as the Kenzawa Campsite. In the distance, you can also see Genjiro Ridge and the rock walls of Yatumine.
雪解けの尾瀬ケ原 Yukidokeno Ozegahara
ラムサール条約湿地として指定されている尾瀬ケ原は、東西6km、南北2kmの広大な湿原。その広さと美しさ、静寂さを木で表現しました。 Ozegahara, which is designated as a wetland under the Ramsar Convention, is a vast wetland stretching 6 km from east to west and 2 km from north to south. I expressed the spaciousness, beauty, and silence with wood. Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
穂高連峰~蝶ヶ岳 Hodakarenpou~Tyougatake
北アルプスの表銀座とよばれる山域の一つ蝶ヶ岳に登ると、眼の前に穂高連峰から槍ヶ岳に続く雄大な風景を楽しむことができる。 If you climb Mt. Chogatake, one of the mountains called Omote Ginza in the Northern Alps, you can enjoy the magnificent scenery that stretches from the Hotaka mountain range to Mt. Yarigatake. Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
春の万代橋 Haruno Bandaibasi
美しいアーチ状の石づくりの万代橋。信濃川の広い河口にかかる万代橋は新潟市の風景を代表する。 Bandai Bridge is a beautiful arch-shaped stone building. Bandai Bridge, which spans the wide mouth of the Shinano River, represents the landscape of Niigata City. Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
風そよぐ海峡 Kazesoyogukaikyou
本州と九州を結ぶ海峡大橋。下関の火の山から見た風景。ここは瀬戸内海の玄関口であり、絶え間なく外国船が行きかう。 Kaikyo Bridge connecting Honshu and Kyushu. The scenery seen from the mountain of HINOYAMA in Shimonoseki. This is the gateway to the Seto Inland Sea, where foreign ships come and go incessantly. Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
槍ヶ岳~槍沢 Yarigatake~Yarisawa
上高地を出発して1日以上歩いて、ようやく見えてきた槍ヶ岳。槍ヶ岳の岩峰が見えてくると登山者は心躍る。 After leaving Kamikochi and walking for more than a day, Mt. Yarigatake finally comes into view. Climbers get excited when they see the rocky peak of Mt. Yarigatake. Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
満開の富士 Mankaino Fuji
山梨県の河口湖から見た富士山と桜。 Fuji and cherry blossoms seen from Lake Kawaguchi in Yamanashi Prefecture. Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
穂高に咲くシナノキンバイ Hodakanisaku Sinanokinbai
北アルプスの穂高連峰。急峻な前穂高岳と対照的にシナノキナバイがかわいらしい。 The Hotaka mountain range of the Northern Alps. In contrast to the steep Mt. Maehotaka, Shinano Kinabai is pretty. Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
秋の妙高山 Akino Myoukousan
妙高高原のいもり池から見た妙高山。色とりどりの紅葉を木で表現しました。 Mt. Myoko seen from Imori Pond in Myoko Kogen. I expressed colorful autumn leaves with trees. Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
安曇野~水温む春 Azumino~mizunurumuharu
北アルプスの麓に位置する安曇野。5月に田植えのために田に水を入れると水面に北アルプスの美しい山並みが写しだされる。稲穂が育つまでの短い期間に楽しめる風景。 zumino is located at the foot of the Northern Alps. When the rice fields are filled with water in May, the beautiful mountains of the Northern Alps are reflected on the surface of the water. The scenery can be enjoyed in the short period until the ears of rice grow . Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
早春の白馬三山 Sousyunno Hakubasanzan
北アルプス白馬連峰。里が春でも山の上は冬。春から夏にかけ、雪が解けるにつれて高山植物が咲き誇る。 Northern Alps Hakuba mountain range. It's spring in the village, but it's winter on the mountain. From spring to summer, alpine plants bloom as the snow melts. Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
風そよぐ万代橋 Kazesoyogu Bandanbasi
美しいアーチ状の石づくりの万代橋。信濃川の広い河口にかかる万代橋は新潟市の風景を代表する。 Bandai Bridge is a beautiful arch-shaped stone building. Bandai Bridge, which spans the wide mouth of the Shinano River, represents the landscape of Niigata City. Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
上高地~河童橋 Kamikouti~Kappabasi
日本を代表する山岳観光地 上高地から見た穂高連峰。河童橋は上高地の中心にあるビューポイント The Hotaka mountain range seen from Kamikochi, one of Japan's leading mountain tourist destinations. Kappa Bridge is a view point in the center of Kamikochi Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
妙高山~コブシ咲く頃 Myoukousan~kobusisakukoro
長野県側から見た妙高山 残雪の妙高に咲くコブシの花は純白でまぶしい Mt. Myoko seen from the Nagano Prefecture side The pure white and dazzling magnolia flowers blooming on the snow-covered Myoko(Niigata pref.) Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
錦帯橋~城下町岩国 Kintaikyou
錦帯橋の雰囲気を木で表現しました very old wooden bridge(IwakuniーYamaguti Pref.) Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
瑠璃光寺~五重塔 Rurikouji~gojyuunotou
山口県にある国宝 瑠璃光寺 National Treasure Rurikoji Temple in Yamaguchi Prefecture Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
雪解けの進む栂池高原に咲くミズバショウ。背景は北アルプス白馬岳 Asian skunk cabbage blooming in Tsugaike Kogen as the snow melts. The background is the Northern Alps Shiroumadake. Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
ひまわり畑 Himawaribatake
Brothers chasing insects in a sunflower field Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
松原から望む富士 MatubarakaranozomuFuji
三保ノ松原から見た富士山 Mt.Fuji seen from Mihonomatsubara(Famous view point of Mt.Fuji) Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
かくれんぼ~安曇野 Kakurenbo~Azumino
子どもたちが道祖神の周りでかくれんぼをしている懐かしい風景 背景は北アルプス常念岳 A nostalgic scene of children playing hide-and-seek around Dosojin, in the background of Mt. Jonen in the Northern Alps(Nagano Pref.) Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-