かくれんぼ~安曇野 Kakurenbo~Azumino
子どもたちが道祖神の周りでかくれんぼをしている懐かしい風景 背景は北アルプス常念岳 A nostalgic scene of children playing hide-and-seek around Dosojin, in the background of Mt. Jonen in the Northern Alps(Nagano Pref.) Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
おひなさま Ohinasama
梅の花とお雛様 plum blossoms and dolls of OHINASAMA Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
おやこねこ Oyakoneko
お母さんに甘える子ネコ Baby cat spoiled by mother Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.
箱根富士 Hakonefuji
箱根から見た富士山 Mount Fuji seen from Hakone(Kanagawa Pref.) Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
バラ~ブライダルピンク Bara~buraidarupinku
ブライダルピンクという品種のバラ roses of the bridal pink variety Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
ミズバショウ Mizubasyou
雪解けとともに咲くミズバショウ Asian skunk cabbage that blooms with the thaw Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
富士夕景 Fujiyuukei
箱根から見た夕暮れの富士山 Mt.Fuji at dusk seen from Hakone Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
コブシ kobusi
コブシの花 flowers blooming in spring Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
もみの木 Mominoki
クリスマスに飾ると素敵です! Its nice to decorate for christmas! fir tree Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
穂高連峰~大正池 Hodakarenpou~taisyouike
上高地の大正池から見た穂高連峰。中央奥が奥穂高岳 Scenery of Kamikochi, one of Japan's leading mountain tourist destinations(Nagano Pref.) Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
街角~倉敷 Matikado~Kurasiki
昔の街並みが残る倉敷の美観地区の路地裏 Kurasiki(Okayama Pref.),where the old tounscape remains Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
桜の季節の京都の仁和寺 Ninnnaji Temple in Kyoto Note: If you are shopping for only one piece, no problem, but if you are shopping for two or more pieces, you will need to combine them into one package, as the shipping costs may be higher than necessary. If you want to buy more than one of our pieces, please email us in advance and we will combine them into one package and send it out to the shopping site with the appropriate shipping charges. Shipping will be done by EMS.-
色々な種類の木をパズルのように組み合わせて5月の誕生花「スズラン」を作りました。 花言葉は「再び幸福が訪れる」「純粋」(純潔」 花言葉の由来はスズランが北国の人々にとって、春の訪れの歓びのしりしとなっているからといわれています。 また、ヨーロッパでは古くから聖マリアの花とされていることから「純潔」といった花言葉が付けられたそうです。 作品では、小人さんをがスズランの花を鈴のように鳴らしているところを表現しました。 葉には、珍しい神代ニレを使いました。 サイズは額込で155mm×155mm 小さいサイズなので、ちょっとしたところに置いたり、掛けたりすることができ、、お部屋の雰囲気をなごやかにしてくれます。
色々な種類の木をパズルのように組み合わせて,2月の誕生花「マーガレット」を作りました。 花言葉は「真実の愛」「信頼」です。 マーガレットの名前はギリシア語の「真珠」から来ているそうです。 真珠のように白い花弁から付けられたそうなのですが、この作品では花弁にシカモアを使い、光沢のある白い花弁を表現しました。 このように白く光沢のあるシカモアは希少価値のある木です。 サイズは額込で155mm×155mm 小さいサイズなので、ちょっとしたところに置いたり、掛けたりすることができ、、お部屋の雰囲気をなごやかにしてくれます。
色々な種類の木をパズルのように組み合わせて12月の誕生 花「シクラメン」を作りました。 花言葉は「遠慮」「内気」「はにかみ」 シクラメンの花が雨から花粉を守るために下向きに咲き、そ の姿が恥らっているように見えることに由来しているといわ れます。 赤、白、ピンク等の花がありますが、この作品ではピンクの 花をイメージして、ベイマツ、カバを使っています。 12月の花なので、窓の外には雪。その様子を眺めている小 人さんを描いてみました。 サイズは額込で155mm×155mm 小さいサイズなので、ちょっとしたところに置いたり、掛けたりすることができ、、お部屋の雰囲気をなごやかにしてくれます。